Saturday 8 March 2014

Common Insects of Mango

Common Insects of Mango

This is also from my subject Crop Protection 2.
 According to my previous blog in titled Common Diseases in Mango, there are some diseases that we can find in Mango crop. In addition to that, we can also find some insects that are also one of the problems in planting Mango crop.
Insects are the largest group in the animal kingdom. Scientists estimate there are over 1 million insect species on the planet, living in every conceivable environment from volcanoes to glaciers.
Insects help us by pollinating our food crops, decomposing organic matter, providing researchers with clues to a cancer cure, and even solving crimes. They can also harm us, such as by spreading diseases and damaging plants and structures.
So here are the following common insects of Mango:
¢  Circular-white back borer
¢  Green beetle
¢  Mango cecid fly
¢  Mango thrips
¢  Mealy bugs
¢  June beetle
¢  Scale insect
¢  Termite
¢  Mango leafhopper
¢  Mango tipborer
¢  Tent caterpillar
¢  Mango fruit fly
¢  Mango seedborer
¢  Mango pulp weevil
¢  Twig cutter/borer
¢  Mango trunk borer
¢  Helopeltis/capsid bug

The IPM strategies make use of cultural management (pruning, cultivation, sanitation, proper nutrition to enhance vigor and fruit bagging) conservation of beneficial insects (pollinators and bio-con agents) and proper pesticide management.

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