Saturday 15 March 2014

Pest and Diseases of Coffee

Pest and Diseases in Coffee


Berry Borer or Broca (Stephanoderes hampee)

                -the plantation should not be top shaded and trees should be well-thinned of water sprouts. In infected plantations, waste pulp should be composted. All berries in the tree should be totally harvested to break the cycle of breeding. Chemical control by spraying should be started once a mass of adults appears but before they lay eggs. Spraying should be done every 2 weeks, 2-3 times during the season.

Coffee Stemborer (Zeuzera Coffee Nietner)

-gather all the infected twigs and split them open to destroy the insects inside. The larva may also be killed by fumigating; plugging the hole with a piece of cloth or waste cotton after the fumigant is introduced into the tunnel.

 Scale Insects

Control :
-natural enemies usually keep the green scales in check. Spray insecticides every 2-3 weeks interval.

Mealy Bugs

-unwanted sucker growth should be removed promptly.



- Thorough screening and quarantining of imported of introduced varieties, selection of suitable resistant varieties or strains, good cultivation and proper fertilization. Before any symptom of the disease is observed, spray at 15-20 day intervals esp. before and during the rainy season at the rate of 1-1 and ½ kilos of Vitigram Blue per 100 gal of water.


- a particular way of reducing the occurrence of the disease is to develop a canopy of shade over the plantation. Proper attention to soil protection and maintaining adequate moisture content seen to have good effects. Even before any symptom of the disease is noticed, spray every 15-20 days before and during the rainy season at the rate of 1-1 and ½ kg. Vitigram blue per 100 gal of water.


-If the diseased portion completely encircles the trunk and the limbs, the plants are often killed.


-maintain vigor of trees by fertilizing with the right kind and amount of nutrients of proper time, regulate plant growth to prevent overbearing by pruning and or shade.

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